by Comedy Heights | May 30, 2021 | Shows
Comedy Heights return to Twiggs could not have been any better. There’s no question once we are able to be at full capacity the room will be back to standing room only. We turned people away all night. All the comedians led by our hilarious headliner Tony...
by Comedy Heights | May 29, 2021 | Shows
Another great show last night at Comedy Heights at Bay Bridge Brewing! Headliner Tony Calabrese and the rest of our hilarious comedians had the audience laughing all night long! Every Friday Comedy Heights delivers a fantastic show at Bay Bridge Brewing. Enjoy great...
by Comedy Heights | May 24, 2021 | Shows
That’s right! We’re back! After a year long COVID hiatus Comedy Heights returns to Twiggs in University Heights. Comedians Tony Calabrese, Justin Foster, Alexis Bradby, Chris Clobber, Veronica Brown and our own Al Gavi are ready to bring the laughs this...
by Comedy Heights | May 24, 2021 | Shows
A native San Diegan, Tony Calabrese has been performing comedy since 1995, specializing in corporate events and as a master of ceremonies and auctioneer for charity benefits. At 63, he has been married for 43 years, in a row, and has two grown sons and three...