by Comedy Heights | Oct 2, 2017 | Shows
This Friday at Bay Bridge Brewing 8PM!ELI NICOLAS w Rick Gene, Lisa Pedace, Maria Herman and Al Gavi This Saturday at Twiggs Coffeehouse 8PM! ELI NICOLAS with Mike Devore, Mike Castleberry, Maria Herman and Al Gavi
by Comedy Heights | Nov 21, 2015 | Shows
He’s the funniest Canadian we know, and he’s also the funniest person on MySpace…because he’s the only person who still uses MySpace! He’s Aaron Hughes, and he’s headlining tonight at Comedy Heights. Aaron’s zany tales of...
by Comedy Heights | Nov 21, 2015 | Shows
Join us for some maple-leafed comedy from Aaron Hughes this Saturday at Twiggs. Aaron is a Comedy Heights favorite, and he’s joined by a huge lineup of talent, including the always hilarious Chet Sewell, Mike Castleberry, Maria Herman and Al Gavi. We want you to...
by Comedy Heights | Nov 14, 2015 | Shows
Join us on November 21st for some zany Canadian comedy featuring Comedy Heights’ favorite Canadian, Aaron Hughes. But wait, there’s even more! LGBT favorite Chet Sewell will also be joining us, along with Mike Castleberry, Maria Herman, and Al Gavi. This...
by Comedy Heights | Nov 6, 2015 | Shows
We have a huge month of comedy for you this month at Comedy Heights! All shows start at 8pm sharp, and feel bring to bring the leftovers to snack on! 11/7: Tony Calabrese, with Jill Maragos, RJ Haines, Cat Wagner, Ikaika, Maria Herman, Al Gavi 11/14: Sean McBride,...