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December 23rd and 24th at Comedy Heights!

December 23rd and 24th at Comedy Heights!

This Friday at Bay Bridge Brewing 8PM! Sean Leary with Anna Simeri, Sue Shirey, Andrew Tarr, Lisa Gilbert, Al Gavi and Maria Herman This Saturday at Twiggs Coffeehouse 8PM! Sean Leary with Anna Simeri, Simon Blackthorn, Jonathon Falconer, Manish Gupta, and Host Maria...

Saturday December 17th at Comedy Heights!

Saturday December 17th at Comedy Heights!

This Saturday at Twiggs Coffeehouse 8PM! Steven Briggs! Briggs released a comedy album just this past summer, and has been entertaining audiences across the country with his distinctive and uproarious blend of beatboxing and storytelling. To boot, Ehsan Ahmad.Toni...

Friday December 16th at Bay Bridge Brewing!

Friday December 16th at Bay Bridge Brewing!

This Friday at Bay Bridge Brewing 8PM! Comedy Heights presents Steven Briggs! Briggs is a hilarious LA-based actor and comedian who electrifies audiences with his incredible storytelling abilities. He's taken his act across the US, performed for our troops overseas,...


Comedy Heights

Address: LeStats Theater
3343 Adams Ave
Normal Heights CA 92116

Phone: 619-679-5960

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