Saturday Aug 6 at Twiggs Coffeehouse!

This week at Twiggs Coffeehouse Green Room, Comedy Heights presents Jay Hewlett and Tim Bateman! Jay keeps things interesting in his act with plenty of surprises and consistently on-point jokes. Tim Bateman, our Australian feature, has appeared on the Bob & Tom Show, WGN, TBS, Fox 10 News, and and has performed in clubs from the Ice House to the Comedy Caravan in Kentuck and back again. We build up to our main acts at Comedy Heights with some awesome talent. This week we’re bringing Jordan Parker, Al Gavi and guest MC Cat Wagner. Every Saturday Comedy Heights presents an amazing PG-13 clean show at Twiggs Coffeehouse.

Come join us Saturday 8PM at Twiggs- 4590 Park Blvd. San Diego 92102
