The safety of our audience and comedians is very important to us. We respect Bay Bridge Brewing’s decision to cancel the show until their venue can conform with San Diego County’s current Covid-19 guidelines released yesterday. Till now the show has been outside and adhering to social distancing regulations, and Comedy Heights comedians have been wearing masks till they get on stage and use their freshly wiped down mic stand and microphone. It’s been a lot of fun so far and we all want to make sure it stays safe.
The good news is that Bay Bridge Brewing hopes to dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s by NEXT Friday July 10th. The only difference to Comedy Heights audience members is that ordering drinks AND food will be mandatory. And if you’ve tasted the food you know it’s pretty much mandatory anyhow cos it’s delicious! So that’s the skinny for now and we hope to see you soon 🙂 Stay healthy my friends!